Thursday, March 23, 2023

What Is Fasting/Ramzan

You might have heard that 

One day the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said, Amin Thrice as he was climbing up the member. and when he was asked later he said jibril made a few duas. and I was saying Amin to them what was one of the duas one of them was that banner will be upon the one who witnesses the month of forgiveness and doesn't achieve the Forgiveness. 

Something is for sale and you don't make use of it yet you need it in the interim start seeking forgiveness now you're a human you made a mistake Allah has given you opportunity upon opportunity to seek forgiveness did you seek the Forgiveness the answer is yes..!

I sought it once and twice and Thrice well don't let shaytan trap You Again by making you think that you are not forgiven subhanallah how dare you doubt the mercy of Allah so Allah gives us a month. we're talking about it I'm just talking about Ramadan. and look the preparation for it the run-up to Ramadanbanner let's cleanse ourselves.


Because I don't know if I'm going to get there but inshallah if I make a good intention of Allah let me witness Ramadan I'm going to fast properly I'm going to do all my Salah my Quran my extra ibadat and so on I want to do it perhaps which means to hold yourself within the Masjid. but one thing you can't do you can't plan to seek forgiveness in the future. 

Do you know what that means I say oh Allah inshallah when Ramadan starts I'm going to seek forgiveness but now just leave me in the clubs it doesn't work that way that has to start now you're seeking forgiveness it must start today and it must continue into Ramadan. 

You can't plan to delay repentance to Allah if you fast and stay away from food and drink but you don't bother about your character and conduct your your moral standing and your speech do you know what Allah says Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam may peace be upon Him says whoever banner has not quit foul speech false witness bad language and so on and the utterance of that which is false.


And what while fasting if they haven't quit that then they should know that Allah Almighty is not in need of them having stayed away from food and drink through the day what was the point they achieved nothing the point is in order that you achieve the consciousness of Allah so the Hadith says when you are fasting you don't swear you don't commit. 

Immorality you don't do any of these things and if someone comes and swears you what are you supposed to say you're supposed to not even respond to them in a negative way. you just saying you know what I'm fasting that should switch the debate off so please my brothers my sisters in the run up to Ramadan. we are going to seek forgiveness. 

We are already going to start speaking to people with great respect. we also would like to listen to the Quran. it's a month of the Quran do you know the Quran has such beauty in it it is extremely therapeutic to the soul and the Heart.

The mind as well when you're stressed or anything, so when you listen to the Quran it cures you of sicknesses physical. as well as spiritual without you knowing sometimes part of your day with the verse of the Quran. your life will change your sustenance will increase the money you have will multiply.

When you spend there will still be a lot of change why I start every day with the name of Allah...


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