Friday, March 24, 2023


There was an old Monastery on the outskirt of a town. many young banner boys who wanted to study Buddhism would. come to live in the monastery and learn from the Zen master. one day Master decided to test his students, 

So he gathered all young boys around him hand said, my dear students as you can see I am growing old now that's why now I am not able to raise enough money for the expenses of the monastery. I have never taught you to work for money. but we need money to keep running this school. bannerand to keep running this school we need to raise funds students Drew close to the master with their eyes wide open.

Master continued as you all know our nearby city is full of wealthy people. I want all of you to go into City and follow those rich people, as they walk through crowded streets. and then no one is looking absolutely no one is looking. you must steal from them if you all can do this then we will have enough money to keep our school alive. 

All the disciples were stunned after listening to this from their master they all said in one voice. but Master you have taught us that it is wrong to steal from anyone?

Master replied yes, indeed I have it would be wrong to steal if it was not absolutely necessary and remember, you must not be seen by anyone while stealing. banner if anyone just anyone can see you you must not steal do you understand said master. 

Yes master students replied but they were nervously looking at each other. they were thinking what has happened to their master. why he is telling them to steal from people but no one could say anything.

Then the master said now go and remember you must not be seen while stealing slowly and slowly. 

young boys started to get up and quietly began to go out of the monastery. master also got up and watched them go when Master turned back he saw one student Still Standing quietly in corner of a room. 

Why did you not go with others..? don't you want to save our school ask the master..?

I do Master disciple replied calmly...

But you said that we had to steal without being seen. and there is no place on Earth no work in the world that can be done without saying. if no one can see me then at least I would always see myself then how can I steal then I am seeing myself 

Said disciple excellent exclaim master banner this is the lesson that I hoped everyone to learn but you are the only one who could see it then Master asked him to go and ask everyone else to return to monastery.

Student ran out and found his friends. who were nervously gathered just at some distance from the monastery and trying to decide what to do when they returned Master explain them everything and all of them understood the lesson...

If we see in our lives we will find that sometimes in our life we do something wrong thinking that no one is watching us. but we forget that no matter what we do we always have a part of ourselves that is quietly watching our every action and every deed.

And that part of ourselves is our inner consciousness our inner Consciousness is always watching us it always knows what is right and what is wrong. 

And if we listen carefully to it. then it can guide us to the right path when you do something wrong even by hiding somewhere still your inner Consciousness sees you and then you do something good even then your inner Consciousness sees you your inner Consciousness always witness your every deed. 

And every Karma many times in our life. we are caught in a dilemma and do not understand what to do in such a situation if you listen carefully to your inner conscience then you will come to know what you should do. 

When we do any action or any deed our inner conscience tells us in advance whether it is right or wrong. and if we listen carefully to it and do as per our inner concerns then we can never do anything wrong sometimes you might have experienced that you know that something is wrong but you still do it and feel regret banner afterward and sometimes you know that something is good and when you do it you feel happiness afterward our inner conscience tells us in advance whether what we are going to do is good or bad. 

if you start ignoring your concerns then slowly and slowly your inner conscience will stop inspiring you about what is right and what is wrong in fact if you just listen to your concerns and follow it. then you don't need any external Master to guide you path. 

if we see in the life of Gautam Buddha we will see that Buddha also attained Enlightenment without help of any master Buddha only continued to practice according to his concerns and kept walking banner on the path of spirituality.

And in the end he attained enlightenment similarly. if you just learn to listen to your inner conscience and start following that then you will also be able to live a true virtuous and happy life foreign....☺☺⌣

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