Saturday, March 11, 2023

Honey Benifts

Everyone like honey to eat like "Winnie the Pooh" "Shaggy and Scooby-Doo" and even "Popeye or Garfield" all loved honey our bet is you love honey as well. 

Honey starts as flower nectar that gets broken down into simple sugars stored inside the honeycomb the design of the honeycomb and the Perpetual Fanning of the bee's Wings triggers evaporation creating that sweet liquid honey the type of flowers influences the color taste and fragrance of the honey so there are tons of Honey types out there but why is honey so good and so appreciated since ancient times let's not forget that it was once thought of as the food of the Gods what happens when you start eating honey every day what are the benefits. 

Honey is excellent source of energy and antioxidants that can easily replace sugar so you can add it to Yogurt tea or coffee. and thus avoid the damaging effects of plain sugar a small caveat here. honey is also a type of sugar it's healthier than white sugar but it can still cause your blood sugar levels to spike. you can also use honey when cooking or baking goodies what is more honey is renowned as a home remedy that can be applied to Burns or wounds to soothe the symptoms. if you have kids under one year of age you should refrain from giving them honey it could cause botulism botulism is caused by a strong toxin produced by colostrum botulinum bacteria which lives in the soil and dust and can also contaminate honey this toxin attacks the nervous system and causes paralysis in infants it rarely affects adults number two you will sleep better the work hard and hustle everyday mentality of today's inspirational speakers can damage the quality of life and health hard work and little sleep can have damaging effects on your body in the long term so replace it with work have fun sleep repeat it's a lot healthier.

Its trouble sleeping seven to nine hours per night honey can help by triggering the release of melanin the hormone that your body uses to recover itself during sleep melatonin production can get stuck for various reasons from spending too much time on Blue Light screens to watching TV or doing high stress tasks close to bed time eating honey right before bed can spike your insulin levels releasing tryptophan that then becomes serotonin which turns into melatonin

Honey is thought to improve overall brain function research suggests. it can prevent neuron inflammation reduce oxidative stress and improve memory and learning capacities scientists also believe that honey can slow down age-related cognitive decline and also reduce anxiety eating honey regularly can also help you stay  focused and alert for more relaxed honey helps soothe nervous tension and relieve fatigue the glucose in Honey is quickly absorbed in the blood powering up neurons and easing anxiety or other psychological disorders anxiety is a serious issue that you should not leave untreated.

It can arise from any number of factors and diet can be one of them there is a lot of research  on nutrition as a metabolic treatment for anxiety so raw honey is an excellent addition to many diets especially. if you  are strong struggling with mental health and anxiety studies on rats have proven that Honey's anti-convulsion and  antidepressant effects can bring important neurological enhancements the nutrients in Hone  include minerals like calcium  copper iron magnesium manganese phosphorus potassium and zinc honey also contains absorb acid pantheistic acid niacin  and riboflavin with significant antioxidant effects add some honey to your daily routine.

 It is so easy you can simply start by replacing the sugar in your coffee and tea with honey not only will it sweeten your day but also your mood and  health you will see number five it soothes a sore throat and coughing honey is well known in the artist's world for soothing a sore throat moreover honey can help in the case of the common cold and even lessen the severity of coughing the potent nutritional and antibacterial properties of honey make it a good companion in the case of colds or the flu, whenever you're feeling a little bit under the weather try honey it can reduce pain and inflammation.

When it comes to swollen lymph nodes in fact when it's common cold season make sure you've got some honey around honey is also recommended for children over  one-year-old struggling with respiratory infections that affect sleep a scientific review of several studies of honey and  coughing in children has shown that honey can be a great alternative to many cough medications in fact some research suggests that honey can be more effective than diphenhy Dramamine. 

When it comes to reducing coughing duration and symptoms we have also found scientific reviews that showed honey could improve sleep quality for children with cold or flu and their parents so honey can act as a natural and safe cough suppressant have it around and use it wisely improve your gut health raw honey is a solid Prebiotic nurturing good bacteria and facilitating healthy digestion it contains oligonucleotides which are chains of carbohydrates that cannot be absorbed by the digestive tract so they pass on to the colon where they ferment and create short chain fatty acids that help Fido bacteria strains multiply and thus world Journal participants consumed 70 grams of Honey daily for 30 days the results were positive showing a three percent reduction in total cholesterol another somewhat similar study published in the Journal of Medicine and food demonstrated an 8 reduction in bad cholesterol but why well honey is a powerful antioxidant shown to reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels by considerable margins boosting HDL good cholesterol levels.

It strengthens your heart heart disease is the number one chronic disease in the United States unfortunately it is also the leading cause of death globally according to the World Health Organization 17.9 million people died from cardiovascular disease in 2019 representing 32 percent of all Global deaths so protect your heart folks diet is one way to start adding more antioxidants and healthy nutrients to your diet can keep your heart healthy and strong honey is rich in antioxidant phenol acids and flavoring that help support Better Health overall Honey's potent antioxidant profile can prevent arteries from narrowing lowering the aid in digestion due to its high vitamin mineral and antioxidant profile honey can ease acid reflex or gird by reducing inflammation and restraining nitric oxide and propagandist production what is more a study done on mice has shown that honey can soothe and heal the gut lining improving gut micro flora and reducing the buildup of toxins some scientists claim honey can be an effective treatment even for helicopa bacter pylori bacteria a common cause of stomach ulcers honeycomb is also great for your good health it features vitamin A and traces of fiber which can help balance out the gut microbiol promoting beneficial gut bacteria although more research is needed there are some promising evidence that adding honey to your regular diet can help improve your good health and relieve acid reflux .

it lowers bad cholesterol in a study published in the scientific risks of headaches memory loss or cardiac failure having a glass of water with a few spoons of Honey daily May prevent that according to various scientific reviews honey can also help lower blood pressure and improve blood fat levels this will regulate your heartbeat and prevent cellular Decay if we were to get in more detail let's look at one observational study including 4 500 people over the age of 40.

Scientists have proven a positive association between moderate honey intake and a reduced risk of high blood pressure there are various other studies done on rats that proved honey could protect the heart from oxidative stress what is more honey is also great at improving cholesterol and triglyceride levels we know that cholesterol is one of the risk factors for heart disease so by lowering bad cholesterol levels and improving good cholesterol you also reduce the risk of heart disease. 

Lose weight according to a study published in the Journal of the American College of nutrition honey can suppress appetite the essential vitamins minerals and healthy fats and honey will give your body the energy it needs without adding to your weight however now you can come and say but honey is full of sugar well yes but that sugar has a different composition than the white powder you usually put in your coffee the sugar and honey helps boost your digestion and Metabolism in fact you should do a swab substituting sugar for.

Honey for good combining honey with cinnamon can also help you lose visceral fat lower blood pressure and cholesterol and boost insulin function and Metabolism here's one simple and delicious honey cinnamon recipe you can try boil a cup of water and then add half a a teaspoon of cinnamon to it let it boil again for another 5 minutes take it off the stove and let it cool once it has reached room temperature add one teaspoon of honey stir and drink one cup of this drink in between meals can save you from snacking on unhealthy tidbits number 10 you'll get a good portion of antioxidants and nutrients high quality unprocessed honey contains potent bio active plant compounds and antioxidants such as phenolic acids and flavoring the darker varieties of Honey tend to be packed with more antioxidants than the lighter ones our body needs antioxidants almost like 

It needs oxygen antioxidants help slow down premature aging and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease so make sure you always have honey in your house not only will it sweeten your days but it will also keep you healthy enjoyed this your Wellness is our mission.


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