Thursday, March 16, 2023

Surprising Benefits Of Fasting In Islam & Medical

People Are Becoming More Aware Of Fasting Benefits. So We Can See Why This Is Also a Practice That The Religion Of                                     Islam Really Promotes

Firstly some benefits are going deal with some medical benefits. and then the last some are gonna relate more to the spiritual benefits within the religion. we have metabolism so one of the more obvious results of fasting is reducing obesity and now fasting. it causes the liver enzymes to break down cholesterol and fats to convert them into bile acid and then from there it converts them to heat and then that stimulates faster metabolism fasting on top of that also. it decreases the appetite which reduces the hunger hormone levels in the body so oftentimes people find that their meal portion sizes are smaller after a period of fasting also. 

Loss Of Fatty Tissues

When the human body is undergoing the starvation process. it goes after the fat in order to utilize and burn any stored energy first. so if done correctly fasting can actually contribute greatly to the loss of fatty tissues in the body, so you're gonna lose a lot of weight  moving on to.

Corrects High Blood Pressure 
Now fasting is one of the non-drug methods. that are used to reduce blood pressure. it helps you reduce the risk of atherosclerosis now a thorough chlorosis is the clogging of arteries by fat particles during the fasting process. glucose and later fat stores are used to produce energy right so metabolic rate is reduced during fasting. and the fair flight hormones such as adrenaline. as well as noradrenaline are also reduced. and this keeps the metabolic rate steady and within its limits so the benefit of this is the reduction in blood pressure all right getting a little bit more medical and scientific.

Promotes Detoxification
We know processed foods aren't the best thing now as foods a lot of times. they have additives in them hence the term processed food now processed food make tastes really good not gonna lie but you see these additives they may become toxins in the body now most of these toxins are then stored in fats fat is burnt during fasting like I mentioned previously especially when it is prolonged and the toxins are released so the liver and the kidneys and other organs in the body are involved in the detoxification process as well.

Digestive System
Now during the fasting process that I district organs actually get to take a break. and just chill a little bit you know the normal physiological functions continue to happen especially the production of digestive secretions. but they happen at a very reduced rate fasting helps to maintain balance of fluids in the body and breakdown of food takes place. but at a steady rate. now the release of energy also follows a gradual process fasting, however does not stop the production of acid in the stomach, so this is a reason why people that have peptic ulcers are advised to be extra careful when fasting and some medical experts say that they shouldn't be fasting at all. 

Cellular Repair Processes
Now the next thing to know is that fasting also really affects the function of cells genes and hormones. so when you don't eat for a while several things start to happen in your body, like for example your body then initiates important cellular repair processes. and it then changes hormone levels to make the stored body fat a lot more accessible. so here's some other changes that happen in your body. when you fasted this is pretty interesting when it comes to insulin levels the blood levels of insulin drops significantly. and this helps to facilitate fat burning then there's also the effect on the human growth hormone so the blood levels of growth hormones may increase as much as five times higher levels of this hormone facilitate fat burning as well as muscle gain.

Something the body starts to induce important cellular repair process as removing waste material from the cells. then there is gene expression, so there are a handful of beneficial changes in several genes and molecules related to longevity. as well as protection against all kinds of disease so many of the benefits of fasting are related to these changes in hormones gene expression. 
Fasting has been prescribed according to the religion of Islam. simply for dietary reasons and medical reasons but rather fasting is actually an act of worship to God in order to teach mankind self-restraint so Muslims believe that fasting is not just for Muslims. 
it's for all people in addition to restraining from food and drinks people must work on being more patient and forgiving while. they fast Muslims are required to refrain from all kind of useless talk and 
They're compelled to be kinder and more generous to others as well as utilize and construct their time a lot wiser so the person fasting becomes more aware of their words and their actions.

Self Esteem 
just believe that the practice of fasting allows Muslims to grow spiritually. and also grow socially. there are numerous benefits of fasting. and it's even documented and highly encouraged by many professionals. so one of the benefits like a mentioned is self-esteem because it is intended to remind Muslims of their purpose in this life. which is to worship and surrender to the will of God now this really boosts a Muslims confident as well as it purifies them from any sort of self-centered behavior and it leads to an overall more content life. 

Some experts show that fasting can actually help addicts reduce their cravings for things like nicotine alcohol well as other substances that they abuse although there are other practices to reduce addictions fasting can actually play an important role but despite having all of these benefits. 

So it's important to mention the flipside up fasting because it may cause reduction in body water called dehydration so this can lead to headache and it can even trigger migraines in those who are predisposed to those kind of things as well as pregnant women nursing mothers and people who are malnourished and people. 

Who have renal or liver problems are advised not to fast so you definitely also want to check up with your medical professionals fasting does have its benefits but again like everything it needs to be done in a certain way for you to maximize it fasting helps to promote a healthier brain and cognitive function so during the fasting process the blood in the human body is actually filled with more endorphins. and then Eterna gives you a feeling of well-being and great mental health. 

And the overall effects of fasting has a similar impact on the brain as a physical exercise so to kind of narrow it down a little bit more fascinating than a forms one of the five key pillars in Islam especially fasting during the month of Ramadan which is actually obligatory for all able-bodied Muslims. 

Wish to incorporate any type of fasting at any other time of the year. it's important to remember to plan your fasting structure very carefully.
Of course is very realistic about what you want to achieve and always ensure that you're in the right mental and physical mindset to be able to reap the full benefits of fasting also ensure that you get enough sleep and ensure that your stress levels are low so yeah that was just a little bit more points to make a note of but overall.

If you do fascinating the way it is designed definitely Muslims say that there is a huge benefit especially in their brain function.

They're able to focus a lot clearer and become overall better people. It's like completely useless other times people get very very irritable when they fast I know I fasted before. 


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