Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Change Your Life In Few Months...

You don't have a job this relates to every single person. if you want to make massive changes in your life.and the reason why i say this is because someone that i'm close to their father uh actually just got fired from a job that he was at for 20 years he was at a job for 20 years and they had to let him go for budget reasons. and one of the things that drives me the most crazy is that people think that working for somebody else and getting a salary is secure work for those you guys are just understand to podcasts.

You can't see me i'm air quoting secure because there's nothing secure about working for somebody else the only time it's secure is when your own you are your own boss you can't fire yourself whenever you're at the mercy of someone else there's no security there so today we're going to be talking about how to completely change your life in six months.     


Disappear... that's correct disappear completely go off the map lock yourself in your house whenever you're not at work or whenever you're awake if you're not don't have a job disappear don't see anybody that you've seen consistently throughout the days throughout the weeks whatever it is disappear for six months. and i'm gonna give you the steps of what this is going to look like.


But the most important part of it is to disappear, because you can do anything for six months and we're talking about a full life reset so let's talk about what this is going to look like the first thing i want you to do is i want you to get very clear on what it is that you want in this life. 

Whatever it is one of the biggest things that i see it's a problem of holding people back is they just don't know what they want so when i say you've got to become very very very very very clear what is that you want what do you want. if you were to look into your future five years from today 10 years from today what do you want..? 


What do you want your life to be..? what do you want your family to look like..? what do you want your bank account to look like...? what kind of business do you want to be running..? you've got to become very clear. 

I had an amazon business that was making way more money than my coaching was. but i asked myself if i fast forward five years from today do i want to be known as the guy who's teaching you know who's selling stuff on amazon or do. i want to be known as the guy who's coaching people and helping them improve their lives that became very clear for me i want to be the one that's coaching people helping people change their lives that was just, what i was passionate about selling on amazon there's nothing wrong with. 


It just wasn't my passion so, i fast forwarded my life and then i said okay what do i want from here, here's a really easy way to do this it's called future pacing okay so if it's 2023 right now and let's say that you look and you say i want 10 million dollars in my bank account. and i want to have this five years from today then you're gonna go it is 2026. 

I have 10 million dollars in my bank account i do and i have all of these things all the things you list out that you want and life and the happiness and the joy this is. what i did to do it and i want you to write a story. as if it's already happened it's called future pacing you go into this future that you want and you actually write the future out. 


And how you created that future and the thing that you have to do is you have to become very clear. 

Because the more clear that you are the easier it is to visualize this future that you want to create. and you're going to visualize it and you're going to look at your goals every single day every single morning. and you're going to visualize them you're going to look at them you're going to read them you're going to write them down and you're going to get more clear every single morning of these six


Months. and then what i want you to do in these six months is i want you to learn one high income skill. 

I want you to learn one high income skill i'm going to give you a bunch of examples of high income skills. that i see that are on the internet but if you want to work in person. if you want to you know become really good at landscaping and you want to create a massive landscaping business obviously that's not going to be on this list but i'm going to give you some ideas of things that. i've seen people making lots of money on the internet. 


You could do woodworking you could do painting, whatever it is for you it's up to you first thing that i think of you can learn how to run how to run facebook ads. i know people that make millions of dollars a year running facebook ads for other people. you can write articles and make money writing articles.

You can get good at seo search engine optimization and do that for people you can do it for yourself. you can make youtube videos and figure out ways to make money on youtube. you can decide that you want to be a coach and you can coach people and make a lot of money doing that you can set up a shopify store and start doing e-commerce you can set up an etsy store and start selling jewelry or whatever. 

It is that you want to sell on etsy there's millions of different products and etsy you can start doing you can get facebook ad revenue that means if you start put making videos and the videos start going semi-viral they'll actually pay you for the views that you get based off of the ads that are there you can get sponsor ships. if you start growing your following you get sponsor ships on instagram on facebook on youtube.

You can run a brand new clothing company. if you want to start a clothing company then you go okay. i need to figure out how to how to create the products how to design them how to get them onto shopify how to put facebook ads up you can sell courses for whatever it is that you might have a skill set on

you can do affiliate marketing you could do podcasting you can do uh freelance work for whatever you're good at freelance at upwork.com you can do it at fiverr.com you can do social media management you can learn to master social media and you can teach that to other people you can run their own you could write kindle books. if you wanted to ebooks and start selling those you can do consulting for.

Whatever you might have an idea of if you're a sales manager and you're just tired of working for someone else. you could consult other companies on how to actually make their sales better you can do consulting. you can do freelance writing take six months to master one skill and obviously you're not gonna master in the six months. 

But you're gonna be on your road to mastery because most people don't take six months to learn so you're gonna sit there and you're gonna go. i got six months to master this and then what you're gonna do as you're mastering it as you're forcing yourself to learn get better learn get better learn to get better mess up a lot mess up a lot mess up a lot is then what you're going to do is you're going to figure out a way to take that skill take that very niche knowledge skill and turn it into a business and depending on what it is that you want to do there's tons of people have courses to teach you how to run a shopify store to run an amazon business or to get better at etsy there's tons of free stuff out there within youtube.


If you want to learn any of these things there's a ton of free stuff out there on youtube as well give yourself six months to learn one high income skill and completely change your life with it the. second thing that you're going to do now that you know what you want now that you've figured out what high income skill you're going to get now you got to make a plan of how you're going to get there so if you say okay in five years. i want to be worth this amount of money 10 years i want to be worth this amount of money.


I want to do it by opening a luxury shopify store in etsy store for faux leather jackets. i don't know something like that well then now i figured out what it is i need to create a plan okay i'm probably gonna have to learn from somebody either i'm gonna have to pay them to coach me or i'm gonna have to get some sort of course.

i'm gonna have to go onto youtube and figure it out and what you do is you figure out what it is that you need to do now if you have a full-time job then you know when you go home this is what you're doing you're going to lock it down you're not going to go


Out and party you're not going to see your friends and that's fine and i'm going to tell you how to work with your friends and work with your family and work with everybody. if you have children you know obviously you've got to take care of your children but we're talking about taking time to actually really lock down.


Whatever that means for you and people can always use their family as an excuse but literally. i had somebody who just joined and for me and just learned how to grow a coaching business she grew a coaching business. she's got four she's a single mother of four she made sixteen thousand dollars last week you can use your family as an excuse. if you want to or


You can use them as the reason why you succeed people like to use their family and their children as reasons why they're not succeeding in reality you need to flip that and make them the reason why you are going to succeed. 

So you've got to figure out a very clear plan

of exactly. what you're going to do exactly what you're going to 
create and the business the money that you want the happiness the joy whatever it is you're trying to create in the  next five to 10 years get very clear on what it is that you want and then get very clear on the road map and the plan to get there here's what messes a lot of people up they expect that they need to come up with the perfect plan that will never change your plan is going to change 500 times in the next 10 years that's okay.

It's the same way as if you're going to take a really long road trip there's going to be some detours there's no way that the original plane to get there is just going to be perfect. there's going to be detours no matter what you can figure it out you can figure out what it is you need to do the thing about it is that you know what you need to do to create the life that you want you know what you need to do to be successful be happy to whatever it is that you're trying to create you know the problem is you're just not doing it everybody knows what they need to do to become wealthy or happier successful or more peaceful we know what we need to do.


We're just not doing it that's the problem so stop acting like you don't know you've just got to start doing it come up with a plan and realize that that plan is going to shift and move along the way that's what's going to happen it's going to shift. 

Change your life and the people who really love you will be fine with you doing this one of the main resistance of


people doing this is they think oh my gosh my mom's going to be so mad you know my uh my friends are going to be so mad usually. we hang out we watch football on sundays if it's really important to you you'll figure it out if it's not important to you you make some excuses as to why you're not doing it.

That's the truth of the matter tell everyone that you know that you're going on a money-making vacation. you're disappearing that's just the way it's going to go you're going to disappear for six months just let them know if they get mad about it they were never a true friend in the first place a couple weeks ago. i did an episode on kobe bryant and michael jordan what it takes to be great. 

You know how important basketball is to me you know how important is for me to bring out my true potential in this very first year how important it is we can hang out after year one but year one i've gotta lock in i've gotta change myself i've got to improve my skills. because this is the most important year of my life he said everyone that loved him was okay with it so you've got to be upfront be like 

hey i can't hang out i can't go to parties i can't watch football on sundays stop doing anything that doesn't get you closer to your goal stop doing anything that doesn't get you close to your goal.

Six months is not that big of a deal and you've got to ask yourself this question as you're going through these six months if you're really serious about this is something that you want to do you've got to constantly ask yourself this question every single day multiple times a day is what i'm doing right now getting me closer to or further from my goal is what i'm doing right now getting me closer to having a million dollar a year shopify and etsy faux leather jacket company that makes me profiting 300 000 a year from that million okay it's not i'm going to stop doing it is what. 

I'm doing right now getting closer to or further from my goals and you start working at this and you develop what we're talking about is developing the foundation of a brand new life developing the foundation of a brand new skill set developing the foundation of a brand new business and you're not going to be amazing at the beginning but you're going to get better and you're going to get better and you're going to get better and what you're doing is you're basically pouring the foundation for this brand new life this brand new business you're pouring the foundation and then after these six months you're basically you know you're in the six months.

You're starting to build the bricks and you're putting the bricks down but then what you're also gonna be doing is continuing to build it after the six months after the six months you can go back if you're stopping yourself immediately right now going oh yeah but what if you've already taken yourself out of the game so if you fully want to change your life disappear for six months completely rewire yourself rewire your mindset rewire your business rewire your your bank account rewire your happiness your joy your peace all of those things and in six months. 

You'll come back a different person and inspire all of the people around you to start changing themselves as well that is how you change your life is by disappearing for six months believe in the law of attraction absolutely do i believe that the universe is conspiring to make my life amazing absolutely do i have proof that i can physically show empirical data that exists.

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