Thursday, March 30, 2023

Miracles Happen By Face Yoga


    The Human Body Is Very Complex But Very Intelligent

Today i'm going to show you something so simple so easy to do. but the results are going to be astonishing. 

We're going to focus with reflex points in your facial region. if you look at the colors on the face. they all correlate to different organs within the body on the forehead area the small intestine.

And bladder on the facial region kidney and stomach on the lower cheeks lung and colon. 

We're going to look at the largest cranial nerve cranial nerve five the trigeminal nerve. 

It has three different divisions that provide sensory innervation to the brain the forehead and eye region is called the ophthalmic division of that nerve the cheek is a maxillary division.


And the lower face and jaw is the mandibular division of thatbanner 

Trigeminal nerve, so when we stimulate the facial region we're not only stimulating the facial reflex points but we're stimulating these different divisions of the trigeminal nerve.

And this will send sensory information to specific nuclei in the thalamus then the thalamic nuclei in turn will send information to specific areas in the cerebral cortex this in turn will cause these neurons within the brain to send different messages to a complex network back throughout the body. 

Now many of you are going to think that this technique is elementary guess what you're right it is it's so simple but yet very effective. 

take your hands and rub them together make them really warm. we want to increase that warmth from our hands. when we apply it to our face it will help those vessels expand help stimulate the nerves as that heat is healing now what i want you to do you'll take the palms of your hands. 

Put it next to your nose and cover your face i want you to take your hands and put pressure against your face and push all the way up with your fingers over your on top of your head and push up come all the way back down next to your nose all the way down to the chin okay to the jaw area and come back up.

Put firm pressure up and down as your hands slide up and down next to your nose. i want you to do that for about 10 times.


I'm gonna go up and down and stimulate it and you'll feel that warmth of your hands penetrate as you stimulate those nerves do that 10 times. 

So now we're going to stimulate the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve from the facial area around the cheek to the ears you'll use this part of your hand.


And the last one we'll do is we'll stimulate the ophthalmic division from the maxillary region as we go all the way out from the side here underneath the cheekbone on the outside.

You'll feel the bone i want you to stimulate straight up to the temporal area push nice and firm using this part and just push up as you put pressure in there. you'll feel lots of stimulation along that area. 

And we'll do 10 of those the majority of you will feel immediate changes within seconds by stimulating those facial reflexes. 

As well as those three divisions of the trigeminal nerve by stimulating these reflex points. as well as these nerves you can see many quick changes as congestion your sinuses can drain. banner 

Immediately your nasal passages can open right up your anxiety levels can drop your pain can diminish your sleeping patterns can change your whole attitude your focus regardless of the symptoms you're doing something good for your body. 

If you're having specific symptoms you can spend extra time stimulatingthose facial reflexes with your fingers so take a minute or two every day and stimulate these points you will see magnificent results friends and family.


Those facial reflexes with your fingers so take a minute or two every day and stimulate these points you will see magnificent results friends and family.

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