Monday, March 6, 2023

Ramadan Planning For Good Health

Guess What We're Almost Back Into The Month Of  Ramadan...! 

Subhanallah now, I want to share with you something amazing from now you must start planning what you want to do in Ramadan. and I'm going to tell you what that will do for you the first thing is don't try. and prepare when Ramadan come many weeks before start preparing. how do you prepare slowly see if you can get into the habit of starting to eat less on certain days. it will help you in Ramadan don't get to Ramadan in the first few days you're fasting and is killing you inside. 

And you're thinking i wish there was no Ramadan okay, so stop all your burgers and your chips and your other things that you're stuffing down your throat. and cut down because as a muslim you're supposed to live healthy anyway okay, so start start with that one second is start to take out just 15 minutes a day do some vicar do some thicker just remember, Allah start to read the Quran now start with the page a day a page a day build your stamina try. and do one and a half pages of the day two pages a day three pages four pages one quarter of a juice a day get to that level. if you can't stick to your quarter juice I know you're busy stick to your call to juicer.


Whatever it is don't let go the whole point is if you can build that stamina up up to Ramadan you've got quota juice you've got a bit of zika going on, however you want to remember Allah. whatever you have 10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes whatever it is place that on top and a bit of Dua. if you can put that together alhamdulillah. you're going in the right direction now don't try and put it on slap you on in one go if you slap me on in one goal you will end up not doing any of it you'll you'll flop so build the stamina slowly slowly. and then if you can do this in the night time when Isha is late anyway you're just going to pray you're probably tired. I know that yeah just praying answer that's all that's all don't do too much. and then when Ramadan comes in hopefully the Habit is there your your Ramadan is here with the hajjud but build yourself up for it so that you've got a few extra Cuts I know you're going to be doing tarawi and it's going to be long but guess what..?


If you start to engage yourself with the Quran it's going to be really good another tip I'm going to give you is if you don't know how to recite the Quran Now's the Time go out there go to an Imam of your local Masjid go to a course go. and find someone who's going to teach you how to read the Quran go and learn the Quran you've got no excuse. because every letter you read of the Quran outside Ramadan. you will get 10 rewards and every letter you read of the Quran in sad Ramadan you will get time 70 which is 700 rewards so alif la meme outside of Ramadan is 30 rewards and alif Lam meme inside Ramadan is 2100 rewards now go. and learn the Arabic get your tilawa started go and learn how to treat it. and if you still got more stamina for that preparation would be start to read a bit of the translation of the Quran. 


And tafsiro the Quran little by little and try and finish it by Ramadan if not try and finish it over the whole of the year but you know whatyou are a Muslim that is a Muslim a real muslim and inshallah being that you will love yourself on the day of judgment look forward to it because Allah azzawajal is your reward on the day of judgment. if you do your fast property the reason why it's very important to make serious intentions already we don't know. if we're actually going to witness the month of Ramadan the prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam used to say Allah let us reach the month of Ramadan. it's not yet Ramadan I may die before Ramadan and that's a reality I made who knows may Allah grant us all Jannah in the case where we don't make it to Ramadan because Allah taken us away guess what you will have a full reward of everything you seriously intended to do because definitely all your actions are judged by their underlying intentions so the Hadith says whoever intends to do good and was unable to do.


It Allah writes a reward for that person this will give you a booster of knowing what Allah is saying to you Allah is saying to you because that's what we're supposed to do know what is saying change our life according to that okay. and the final thing I'm going to say to you brothers and sisters is if you can before Ramadan the best thing you can do to yourself is start to control a bit of your tongue or a bit of your eyes if you can't do any of that as in control it start cutting down how much you speak start cutting down the things that you're watching cut down slowly don't do all of a sudden slowly slowly inshallah by Ramadan you're not watching by Ramadan you know speaking in Haram andafter Ramadan you know what try and keep all this up if you you keep it up after eight your tilapia carries on your vehicle carries on your tahajan carries on or your extra cards carries on and your control of your tongue and control of your eyes carries on alhamdulillah next Ramadan you can give it an extra boost....



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