Friday, March 31, 2023

One Glass Of Water A Day What Changes In Your Life

I want to share a Power trifecta a drink. that you're going to have on an empty stomach. 

First thing in the morning this is going to do miracles to flatten your stomach. now you may not realize how powerful this trifecta drink is. but I challenge you to put it to the test for seven days.

The first is just warm water this helps bannerstimulate digestion. first thing in the morning to get your bowels moving it awakens the nervous system to prepare proper digestion. 

The second part of this trifecta is lemon juice this contains magical enzymes along with vitamin C to help purify your body and bolster your immune system. lemons helps cleanse the blood as well as the gastrointestinal system. 

It acts as a natural diuretic and a gentle laxative, so if you're retaining fluid that bloating this is going to be excreted from the body. 

And the final part of this trifecta is apple cider vinegar this will aid in the production of stomach acid. and digestive enzymes bannerwhich will help alleviate gas pain quickly this apple cider vinegar increases the acidity of your stomach to allow the enzymes to work more efficiently to help break down protein.

It will lower blood sugar levels it will decrease insulin levels it will improve and speed up your metabolism. it will burn fat and will suppress your appetite. 

What's really amazing about this is that when you drink this first thing in the morning and. an empty stomach this will really kick 

Startbanner your metabolism, so here is what you need two cups of water warm water is best two tablespoons of lemon juice. 

Although I prefer fresh because of the enzymes although make sure there's no added sugar. and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother so mix those ingredients together. 

First thing in the morning on an empty stomach you will see miracles I challenge you try it for seven days. and you will see the Difference you're going to experience a healthier glow.banner you're going to feel so much more energy less bloating this and a flatter stomach make it a great day...

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Miracles Happen By Face Yoga


    The Human Body Is Very Complex But Very Intelligent

Today i'm going to show you something so simple so easy to do. but the results are going to be astonishing. 

We're going to focus with reflex points in your facial region. if you look at the colors on the face. they all correlate to different organs within the body on the forehead area the small intestine.

And bladder on the facial region kidney and stomach on the lower cheeks lung and colon. 

We're going to look at the largest cranial nerve cranial nerve five the trigeminal nerve. 

It has three different divisions that provide sensory innervation to the brain the forehead and eye region is called the ophthalmic division of that nerve the cheek is a maxillary division.


And the lower face and jaw is the mandibular division of thatbanner 

Trigeminal nerve, so when we stimulate the facial region we're not only stimulating the facial reflex points but we're stimulating these different divisions of the trigeminal nerve.

And this will send sensory information to specific nuclei in the thalamus then the thalamic nuclei in turn will send information to specific areas in the cerebral cortex this in turn will cause these neurons within the brain to send different messages to a complex network back throughout the body. 

Now many of you are going to think that this technique is elementary guess what you're right it is it's so simple but yet very effective. 

take your hands and rub them together make them really warm. we want to increase that warmth from our hands. when we apply it to our face it will help those vessels expand help stimulate the nerves as that heat is healing now what i want you to do you'll take the palms of your hands. 

Put it next to your nose and cover your face i want you to take your hands and put pressure against your face and push all the way up with your fingers over your on top of your head and push up come all the way back down next to your nose all the way down to the chin okay to the jaw area and come back up.

Put firm pressure up and down as your hands slide up and down next to your nose. i want you to do that for about 10 times.


I'm gonna go up and down and stimulate it and you'll feel that warmth of your hands penetrate as you stimulate those nerves do that 10 times. 

So now we're going to stimulate the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve from the facial area around the cheek to the ears you'll use this part of your hand.


And the last one we'll do is we'll stimulate the ophthalmic division from the maxillary region as we go all the way out from the side here underneath the cheekbone on the outside.

You'll feel the bone i want you to stimulate straight up to the temporal area push nice and firm using this part and just push up as you put pressure in there. you'll feel lots of stimulation along that area. 

And we'll do 10 of those the majority of you will feel immediate changes within seconds by stimulating those facial reflexes. 

As well as those three divisions of the trigeminal nerve by stimulating these reflex points. as well as these nerves you can see many quick changes as congestion your sinuses can drain. banner 

Immediately your nasal passages can open right up your anxiety levels can drop your pain can diminish your sleeping patterns can change your whole attitude your focus regardless of the symptoms you're doing something good for your body. 

If you're having specific symptoms you can spend extra time stimulatingthose facial reflexes with your fingers so take a minute or two every day and stimulate these points you will see magnificent results friends and family.


Those facial reflexes with your fingers so take a minute or two every day and stimulate these points you will see magnificent results friends and family.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

If You Eat 1 Banana Every Day😵

     What Will Happen If You Eat Bananas Every Day...?

Bananas are possibly one of the most popular fruits on the market in fact over 100 billion bananas are produced every year with that. many bananas in circulation it's no wonder that there are many health benefits associated with this popular fruit.

This tasty fruit is actually a nutritional Powerhouse, that is packed with fiber. and is naturally fat free and cholesterol free. it is true that if you eat one banana a day for 30 days your life will change for the better. but not necessarily in the way. you're thinking bananas pack a healthy punch with 10 percent of an adult's recommended daily calorie intake along with nearly 30 percent of their daily vitamin C requirement. 

There are also so many other benefits to eating bananas some of which are overblown or not really proven. but what does science actually say. 

Bananas Are Rich In Nutrients contain vitamin C potassium fiber and pectin Studies have shown that people who eat more bananas have less risk of developing age-related macular degeneration an eye disease that causes vision loss in older adults according to the National Eye Institute, while you may be familiar with some of these benefits.bananas are a great source of energy boosting carbohydrates in addition to supplying the body with energy during exercise. 

This amazing fruit can also help prevent muscle cramps after exercise by replenishing salt. that is lost during physical activity bananas contain vitamin B6 which is essential for normal brain function red blood cell production as well as converting food into energy in the body a single banana also provides over half of your daily requirement of vitamin B6. which helps maintain healthy nerve tissue and AIDS in regulating moods so it's great for times when you feel anxious or stressed out.

Bananas are also high in manganese which helps protect against free radicals that cause cell damage and help support bone growth. and development by strengthening bone density and reducing bone loss caused by osteoporosis. bananas are also a great source of tryptophan an amino acid that helps you feel calm and relaxed tryptophan is what makes you feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal tryptophan may also improve sleep patterns for those who suffer from insomnia or depression.

Bananas Are Good For Your Teeth Since bananas contain pectin it can help fight cavities by reducing plaque buildup on your teeth according to the American Dental Association. bananas also contain salicylate and phenolic compounds that help prevent tooth decay the vitamin B6. they contain may also help in preventing gum disease and heal wounds in the mouth. if you're suffering from dry mouth or oral irritation try eating a banana just make sure not to eat one. if it's unripe as it could cause heartburn.

Bananas Might Improve Blood Sugar Levels bananas contain an enzyme called amylase. which helps break down carbohydrates in the body. and keep blood sugar levels stable in a study published in the Journal of nutritional biochemistry researchers found that eating a banana before a meal helped overweight and obese men lower their blood sugar levels by roughly 16 percent. after eating the researchers also found that this effect was greatest in people with higher fasting blood sugar levels known as pre-diabetes for example those with a fasting blood sugar level of 100 milligrams per deciliter lowered their post-meal level by 20 percent. 

After eating two bananas before lunchtime compared to those who didn't consume any bananas beforehand the researchers note that the mechanism by which bananas lower blood sugar is still unclear. but could involve the fruit's ability to slow down digestion or its high fiber content.

Keep You Hydrated because they are full of potassium eating bananas might help your cells maintain a proper balance of electrolytes like sodium. and chloride electrolytes help you stay hydrated by regulating your body's water balance. if you lose too much water through sweat or urine your body will pull more from inside your cells to make up for it. this will cause the electrolytes inside the cell to become unbalanced this is called hyponatremia which means low salt in the blood.

If this happens especially during exercise your brain May swell with excess fluid and can cause serious side effects like nausea and fainting a study found that participants. who ate one half of a banana every day for four days and then drank water were more hydrated than the ones that didn't the researchers found that consuming bananas increased the participants urine output by 50 percent compared to not eating bananas at all.

Bananas Aid In Weight Loss Pectin found in bananas helps you feel full longer so you'll stay satisfied until your next meal pectin also reduces the amount of fat your body absorbs from other. Foods the fiber and bananas also fills you up this prevents overeating later on bananas also have a high glycemic index. which means they digest quickly in your body causing an increase in blood glucose levels this can be beneficial If you're trying to lose weight. 

Bananas May Support Heart health in addition to being beneficial for weight loss bananas canz help reduce your risk of heart disease the American Heart Association reports that heart disease Remains the leading


Cause of death in the United States cardiovascular disease accounts for more than one million deaths each year.

Bananas are an excellent source of many nutrients that promote good heart health their high in soluble fiber. which has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels by binding bile acids which prevents them from being


Reabsorbed back into the body a study found that people who consumed more than 240 milligrams of magnesium by eating magnesium-rich foods, such as bananas had significantly lower levels of C-reactive protein which is an inflammatory marker linked to heart disease.

Improve Insulin Sensitivity they're sweet easy to eat and loaded with nutrients. but did you know that bananas can also help improve your insulin sensitivity insulin sensitivity is when your


Body effectively uses insulin to lower blood sugar levels after eating in other words. if you have good insulin sensitivity then your body is able to take in Sugar from foods you eat and use it for energy people with type 2 diabetes tend to have poor insulin sensitivity which means they can't use insulin efficiently or effectively.


Bananas are rich in a type of fiber called resistant starch this starch helps improve insulin sensitivity resistant starch also improves gut health by increasing the production of short chain fatty acids in one study researchers fed 22 healthy


Adults two different test meals separated by five days of consuming their usual diets one meal contained 14 grams of resistant starch while the other meal had no resistant starch compared to those. who ate no resistant starch at all those who ate 14 grams showed increased insulin sensitivity meaning their bodies were able to use blood glucose for energy rather than storing excess fat in their bellies. 

Bananas Are Full Of Antioxidants Bananas contain several types of potent antioxidants including flavonoids and amines flavonoids are a group of plant chemicals that help protect cells from damage in bananas. these include catechins proantho cyanidins and epocatechins amines are nitrogen-based compounds that provide additional antioxidant protection by reducing free radical damage before it occurs. 

Bananas Might Improve Kidney Health Bananas are also an effective treatment for kidney disease a study published in the Journal of nutrition found that banana peel extract contains several active ingredients that can protect against inflammation. and cell failure in the kidney knees the


Researchers looked at the effects of banana peel extract on rats with acute kidney injury a condition that causes damage to the kidneys they found that those treated with the extract had less damage to their kidneys compared with those who didn't receive it the researchers noted that certain types of nutrients and bananas might also help protect against oxidative stress. which is one of the leading causes of acute kidney injury.

They're used by the body for normal function but but if consumed in very large amounts. they can lead to health problems


keeping your banana intake down to one banana per day will most likely not put you at any risk at all the bottom line is that bananas are great for your health. and we encourage you to make them a part of your diet whether.

It's a ripe milky Brown banana hand-picked from a jungle tree or one that's been shipped all the way over here to America they're delicious and nutritious and they're also easy on your wallet they're healthy and they treat you right.

It's kind of like bananas and humans were made for each other. 


Love, Strength, and the Reclaiming of Self

imagine this he's standing at the edge of his world looking back at the moments  he took for granted the love he thought would always b...