Friday, April 7, 2023

On Quitting Sugar Cravings


Let's take a look at that.

you are gonna lose your appetite to sugar.

Why? Because every time you consume sugar, a hormone comes in there and pushes your blood sugars down, causing a low blood sugar situation, hypoglycemia, to some degree and that is gonna cause you to crave sugar. So by getting rid of sugar, you get rid of the craving for sugar.


You're Gonna Be Less Hungry.

Until you do this, you won't really fully know, but I'm telling you, it's the sugar that keeps you hungry all the time. When you give up the sugar, you become a lot less hungry.

Why? Because you stabilize your bloodbanner sugars and now your cells can be actually fed because when you're living on sugar,

Because sugar is toxic to the body, the body starts rejecting it. That's called insulin resistance. So the body is blocking insulin because that controls sugar and what your body is really trying to do is limit the amount of sugar inside the cells. So the body doesn't consider it a good thing. It's a bad thing. So when you give it up, this thing could reverse. 

And not only can you now absorb proper amounts of fuel. You'll absorb nutrients a lot better too because insulin resistance also blocks nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and that's one of the functions of insulin.

You Can Have Less Fatigue

Especially after eating a meal. When you're eating sugar on a regular basis, usually you're gonna be tired after you eat.


You're Gonna Lose Excessive Water And Fat.

For the first week you're gonna dump a lot of water and some fat but after that, it's gonna be more and more fat. You're gonna be surprised how much fluid you were retaining. Some people within one week can lose about 13 pounds of fluid. They're

Holding that fluid around and that can't be that healthybanner for the heart. Of course, you're gonna see your clothes loosening, especially on the midsection. Your gut, your waste is one of the best indicators to tell if you're doing too much sugar. If you reduce the sugar, the stomach shrinks. If you eat the sugar, your stomach will expand..

Enhanced Mood.

So, if you were grouchy before, you're now gonna be a lot calmer, less stressed, and you're gonna be actually nice to be around, okay? That's good. Also your cognitive function will improve. So you're gonna feel more focused. You can have more concentration. You'll be less



Your Skin Is Gonna Look Much Better.

You're gonna have less acne. Your skin's gonna glow. And that's just a reflection of what happens. When you consume sugar, your insulin goes up and also the hormone androgens, and we're talking about females, androgen will go up and that's gonna create acne. In a male body, the increased insulin will lower testosterone. So you're gonna have other problems that are associated with low testosterone. 

You Have Less Stiffness.

So you're gonna have less inflammation. You're gonna have less pain. So what's happening is all we're doing is we're converting your fuel from sugar to fat. It takes three days, okay, of cutting down the carbohydrates and the sugar. You may have a worsening of the symptoms for three days. Okay? Guys, anyone can actually handle three days. And if you took some B vitamins from nutritional yeast and some potassium, you probably won't have any symptoms. So it's gonna be relatively easy.


Growing Brain Cells

Also you'll start growing brain cells. Why? Because when you reduce sugar, then you run your body in a different source of fuel, called ketones, and ketones support the growth of nerve cells.

The Liver.

You're gonna start dumping some of this fat that's been accumulating in your liver and you're gonna use that as fuel. So you're on your way to cleaning out the liver so it's no longer fatty. By the way, as a side note, if you have a large belly, chances are you have a fatty liver, okay? So by doing this, you will reduce the fat inside your liver. And lastly, you're gonna have better kidney function. Take a look at a diabetic. The kidney is the target for problems.


When you actually cut down the amount of sugar, reduce the carb, you gonna improve kidney function greatly. All right guys, there you have it. You may want to try this. The proof's in the pudding. Maybe I should talk about pudding, but this is the icing on the cake. 


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