Let's Talk About The Number One Mistake That People Make, When They're Drinking water.
When you consume things that are caffeinated like the soft drink like the coffee some teas diet sodas possibly caffeine acts like a diuretic so, anything that's a diuretic is going to create more dehydration. it's going to get rid of fluid anything with glucose.
You're worsening your hydration you're creating more dehydration. now will it help may beit'll help a little bit but it doesn't fix the underlying problem I mean this is the big problem that I have with medicine is that, even if you bring up the word cure right they basically interpret cure as being you know quackery non-scientific.
It's not just about drinking more water let's just take for example, your sodium levels good. sodium is needed to create hydration so are other electrolytes like potassium and magnesium. and to be able to have sodium hold fluid correctly you also need a balance of potassium.
So, if we combine drinking a lot of this water with exercise. and not taking the sodium a person can be very dehydrated, because what hydrates someone is not just water.

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