Friday, April 21, 2023

Never Do This On Eid Day Its Haram

My brothers and sisters Eid is a happy day. what are you celebrating did you realize or do you know that you are celebrating the worship, that Allah allowed you to engage in through the whole month and what was this worship.

Allah instructed you, and he asked you to do it and then he allowed you to fulfill. it meaning he gave you the capacity to do it the fasting, Charities, the goodness, the character, building the prayer at night and so much more the recitation of the Quran the Improvement in so many ways. 


Mostly it's the fasting and the prayers so Allah has allowed you to do that he ordained it. and then he gave you the capacity to do it and you did it for a whole month you worshiped Allah so much you cried tears you asked for your needs you stayed awake at night you looked for Layla Tul Qadar you made Dua to Allah Almighty. 

Now he's telling you, you know what the season is over. I want you to celebrate it is forbidden to fast on the day of Eid. it is forbidden to fasten the day of Eid come what may fasting is Haram on the day of Eid.


So my brothers and sisters, Allah is giving you a day to celebrate your closeness to him make sure that you don't do anything that will take you away from him. are you going to remember Allah on the day of Eid are you really going to do that which is in sync with what Allah? wants the clothes you're going to wear make sure that they are befitting a celebration of worshiping Allah for the month.

I'm arriving at a huge celebration. where we are celebrating worshiping Allah for the month.


and I'm not even dressed in a way that would be pleasing to Allah subhanallah, oh for example I'm going to eat and drink things that are not even may Allah forgive us or for


example, I'm planning to do things that are sinful just because it's a day of Celebration. 

It's no longer Ramadan the day of Eid is very very important. it is also a massive day of ibadah Allah wants you to worship Him don't use that day to disobey Allah and to go away from his worship rather worship Allah in the biggest possible way.

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