He has the greatest status of anyone. and he sent on that night the angel with the Great Escape the angel with the greatest status to the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi of the greatest.and he sent to that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam the book with the greatest Qatar of all of his Revelations, so it's a combination of all these honors and Glory you know glories that come together.
They have this confidence and this Reliance on Allah in this in these prayers like no other that's one then someone who takes full stock of themselves I'm aware of my sins, I'm aware of my flaws, I'm aware of what I've done I'm aware of what I'm ashamed of before Allah. and I'm coming before Allah standing in prayer ashamed. And humiliated and completely convinced that Allah will forgive me and bless me so, I'm coming before Allah humiliated in tears or in full account of myself like a confessional prayer this is a confessional prayer. if you can pull that off whatever took place of any kind of embarrassing sin such a person had done has all been guaranteed to be forgiven all of it is guaranteed to be forgiven.
If Allah allows you to catch Leila. it's that Allah has decreed something amazing for you, and so the prophet saws he says that this month has come upon you and in it is a night that is greater than a thousand months whoever is deprived of it is deprived of all good and no one would be deprived of the good of this night except for one who is deprived there is something that's keeping you between you and Allah that's keeping you away from Allah that's keeping you away from Allah.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said, (“Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you ".*Help me, good people. I am Your sister.. is from Yemen. My husband is dead. Our circumstances are difficult. We do not have a source of livelihood. We have debts and late rent. The owner of have debts and late rent. The owner of the house is sisters with compassionate hearts to look at us with the house is threatening us with compassionate hearts to look at us with evictionand my compassionate hearts to look at us with

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