Saturday, April 15, 2023


I want to start off with a very beautiful kind of gives us that motivation as, we're going into the second half right now of Ramadan particularly the last 10 nights that the prophet Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam says search for that night in the last 10 nights.

He says if one of you found yourselves to be lazy or weak during the first half of Ramadan or the first part of Ramadan. then don't let him be lazy with the last seven nights.

One of the meanings of Qadar is rank or stature. and so a night of Qatar is a night of great stature or rank with God. 

The second meaning of Qatar is actually Manzila or or nobility honor. this is the night of great honor why and you could think of it like this has the greatest of anyone. 

He has the greatest status of anyone. and he sent on that night the angel with the Great Escape the angel with the greatest status to the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi of the greatest.and he sent to that Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam the book with the greatest Qatar of all of his Revelations, so it's a combination of all these honors and Glory you know glories that come together. 

Whoever can stand in the night of late meaning pray so the best thing you can do is the night starts is pray. now and the best thing you can do is when you're in Sajdah just make Duas, just cry to Allah at McDonald's. but then Allah didn't just say pray oh the prophet, didn't just say pray. he gave certain qualities to that prayer.


Let me explain those qualities to you one Iman whoever prayed before Allah out out of faith meaning. it's not just Faithfully they were driven they were completely convinced that this prayer is going to be the best thing that's happened to me. 

They have this confidence and this Reliance on Allah in this in these prayers like no other that's one then someone who takes full stock of themselves I'm aware of my sins, I'm aware of my flaws, I'm aware of what I've done I'm aware of what bannerI'm ashamed of before Allah. and I'm coming before Allah standing in prayer ashamed. And humiliated and completely convinced that Allah will forgive me and bless me so, I'm coming before Allah humiliated in tears or in full account of myself like a confessional prayer this is a confessional prayer. if you can pull that off whatever took place of any kind of embarrassing sin such a person had done has all been guaranteed to be forgiven all of it is guaranteed to be forgiven.

If we can stand before Allah in that kind of prayer tonight. but this is the night where you just want to just be you, and Allah in tears that's what that's what it needs to be. and so this is a night in which we should have complete faith in the power of Allah to change things, to change our Our Fate, to change our Behavior, to change give us, you know to empower us to do things. because Allah has endowed this night with unusual strength and unusual power. 

And it's a manifestation of Allah's miracles in this night after all the greatest Miracle ever given to humanity. the Quran was given in this night the most powerful word of Allah so then we should have more belief in miraculous Answerings of Duas in this night. than any other night there's there's a head beneath where the Prophet saws speaks about this concept of deprivation and what that means is, if Allah deprives you of means that your sins are getting in the way of you being able to catch just like. when we say that, if a person does Hajj it's because they're they're the guests of Allah likewise. 

If Allah allows you to catch Leila. it's that Allah has decreed something amazing for you, and so the prophet saws he says that this month has come upon you and in it is a night that is greater than a thousand months whoever is deprived of it is deprived of all good and no one would be deprived of the good of this night except for one who is deprived there is something that's keeping you between you and Allah that's keeping you away from Allah that's keeping you away from Allah.banner 

And Allah would prevent you from the height of this night because of that sin that you're insisting upon so really in these last couple of nights before you go into the last 10 nights one of the main things. you should keep in mind here is that I need to do away with those things that would make me that would make me a deprived individual so, that Allah doesn't deprive me of the good of this night keep in mind as we're going into the last 10 nights particularly in regards to our saying,and the things that we do that would keep us away from Allah. 

So the idea here, if you're deprived that means that there's a reason why Allah has chosen you to be amongst those who are deprived. if you're amongst those who catch it and who catch the blessings of it there is a reason why Allah chose you to be amongst those who would catch them.

May ALLAH save us all from the punishment of the grave, may Allah SWT forgive all our sins may he grant us guidens may he accept all our Duas. may he forgive us. Ameen

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, (“Be merciful to those on the earth and the One in the heavens will have mercy upon you ".*Help me, good people. I am Your sister.. is from Yemen. My husband is dead. Our circumstances are difficult. We do not have a source of livelihood. We have debts and late rent. The owner of have debts and late rent. The owner of the house is sisters with compassionate hearts to look at us with the house is threatening us with compassionate hearts to look at us with evictionand my banner compassionate hearts to look at us with banner

A person said "(Allahuakbar)" later he said "(Subhanallah)" and after that he said "(Alhamdulillah)'' he again said "(Allahummagfirli)" he also said (la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin) in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you...


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