Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Dark Circles Under Eyes

I Want To Give You a Couple Tips On, What To Do If You Have These Dark Circles Underneath The Eyes Sinuses. 

If your sinuses are congested with mucus, you have a lot of lymphatic congestion, and the lymph nodes go all around the  eyes. and that can create a puffiness and also a back up of the venous, which is the veins which is kind of blue which will


Look kind of darker underneath the eyes, because you're seeing this congested back flow of blood and lymph. 

So if that's the case that one of the best remedies to clean out the sinuses would be some of the nasal rinses that I'm gonna put down below but there's a really good remedy called colostrum. which actually corrects the immune system to improve allergies. 

What is mormon tea...? 

Mormon tea is a weak version of a federer. I don't know if you heard about ephedra they took it off the market because it increases adrenaline but honestly the risk of that is so so small ephedra compared to even aspirin out there the amount of benefit that it did for people with sinus congestion and lung pneumonia and asthma and bronchitis. 


I mean it's very very effective it's been used for over 2,000 years but of course you can't patent it and it's very inexpensive. but if you monitor someone to make sure they don't have high blood pressure. 

And there you don't take it when you're pregnant it's totally fine but Mormon tea is a really good thing to take in the


Early part of the day to actually handle a runny nose and to get rid of congestion. 

And of course the diet make sure you're not doing any milk products that could do it or any wheat products those two will definitely back up the sinuses. 

And one more thing too, If you ever go liver out to a restaurant and you eat something with meat and sugar or like anything like a bun and hot dogs or a burger a bun and fries of our coke you are going to create a lot of sinus congestion from that and that could be one of the causes too so as you clean up the diet this will clear up too and then we get to the liver.

If you're detoxifying or your liver is toxic that can create this appearance underneath the eye as well the best remedy is MIT milk thistle okay that actually can repair liver damage so it's quite amazing and it's very safe and you won't get this detoxification reaction from that many people who even do colostrum or probiotics start having an immune reaction and then  they end up getting this problem too so if you're going to take anything for the first time always take small amounts including colostrum and I think you're gonna be okay with this one all right then we get adrenal fatigue to the adrenal adrenal fatigue with the amount  


 of stress that you have with the amount of lack of sleep. 

You're gonna have the dark circles as well and so, you want to support the adrenal but of course start out with long walks every day don't sit in front of the computer 24/7 good amounts of sleep. whatever you could do to improve sleep is going to be a good thing in fact that brings us to the next thing which is  sleep, which is probably the number one thing. if you were to improve what it would fix this dark circle underneath the eyes so that's really important and then vitamin D not only helps the adrenal but it helps sleep. 

As well so, Sun every day, if you can get it and then we have you know. we talked about walking decrease the stress and lots of potassium foods potassium is the physiological  tranquilizer. it relaxes you it gets rid of sodium excess and retention the fluid which could create this as well but mainly the the sodium potassium ratio issue if that's a problem.


We'll create bags at the eyes not necessarily discoloration but we want to get you to sleep okay, so I'll put some links down below and then allergies. if you are allergic which kind of


Gives us puts us in this category as well high levels of vitamin C would be very beneficial for allergies and also colostrum is  another thing that actually corrects allergies as well. 

But what you want to do is you want to just see if there's anything that kind of pop out for you and focus on that part right now but the lining of the skin underneath the eyes is very very thin and you can very easily see all the different the venous pooling in there which is blue but it shows up as a dark circle all right so try some of these.


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