Sunday, April 30, 2023

Common Ovarian Cancer Signs

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

lower blood pressure naturally

In this article we’ll give you a recipe for a drink to control your blood pressure.

But first, some background information.Ace-inhibitors are a big business,and they’re only getting bigger.These medications help relax the veins and arteries to  lower blood pressure, but they come with a lot of side effects.


Thankfully, you don’t need to rely on drugs to manage your blood pressure-we’ll show you how. According to one study published in the journal Circulation, primary or essential hypertension Primary Hypertension accounts for 95% of all cases of hypertension.

This type of high blood pressure is often due to obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet, which can lead to a deficiency in key nutrients needed to maintain healthy blood pressure.

This means there’s a good chance that your high blood pressure is caused by poor lifestyle habits.

In fact, the most common causes for increased blood pressure include obesity, insulin resistance, Causes of Hypertension high alcohol intake, high salt intake in salt-sensitive patients, living a sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake, and low calcium intake.

That’s because having either a potassium deficiency, low levels of vitamin D, high insulin, or any combination of the three can lead to stiffened arteries, which ultimately leads to high blood pressure.

So, if you don’t want to rely on prescription drugs in the long run, to manage your blood pressure, because of all the unwanted side effects, changing your diet is your best alternative.

There is one particular smoothie you can make at home which contains well-documented ingredients Drink to Lower Your Hypertension that naturally contain anti-hypertensive compounds.

The recipe takes only 5 minutes to make and calls for seven ingredients - none of which are particularly hard to get.

Two Teaspoons Of Flax seed

Flax seed is a grain that contains high levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).ALA is a precursor to EPA and DHA, which are essential omega-3 fatty acids your body requires.


When ingested in adequate amounts, it can help restore artery function. In one study, 110 patients with high blood pressure and peripheral artery disease added 30 grams of milled flax seed to their diet each day for six months. Results were compared to a similar group of people who added a placebo to their diets.

Can you guess what happened? That’s right, the group with the flax seed in their diet showed a measurable decrease in blood pressure.

Two Celery Stalks

Celery contains a phytochemical called phthalides. As an extract, it’s called NBP, and it helps relax the tissue of your artery walls to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure.

Additionally, celery stalk contains very little to no salt and is high in fiber, magnesium and potassium, which can all help regulate your blood pressure.

Half Of An Avocado

If you have high blood pressure, eating avocados can help. Avocados are packed with oleic acid, which can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels. banner

This fruit is also rich in potassium and folate, both of which are good for the heart. Potassium, in particular, helps keep your arteries supple and elastic.

An Ounce Of Lemon Juice

Citrus fruits, including grapefruit, oranges, and lemons, have powerful blood-pressure-lowering effects. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.

Half A Cup Of Blueberries

Daily blueberry consumption can help reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness, which is due, in part, to increased nitric oxide production. In addition, blueberries contain a natural compound called anthocyanins, which has been found in many studies to protect against high blood pressure.

Half A Cup Of Plain Kefir

The bio-active peptides in kefir can help lower blood pressure. These peptides are beneficial compounds that are created during the fermentation process, and come from the proteins in the milk.


Bio-active peptides can help reduce blood pressure by lowering inflammation, improve immune and insulin modulation, and much more.

The last thing you’ll need for this smoothie is some water. Add Some Water Combining these anti-hypertensive ingredients will help reduce your blood pressure without the side effects of regular drugs. So go ahead and add these 7 ingredients into your blender.

Use this smoothie as a first step towards improving your diet.


Sunday, April 23, 2023

How To Sleep Well And Deep

The Buddhist monk said before I tell you the solution to your problem. bannerI want to tell you a little story about The Secret of kottam Buddha's deep sleep then the Buddhist monk began to tell a story. and The Story Goes Like This when Buddha slept he used to stay in the same posture all the night. he never changes posture He had a disciple whose name was Ananda. bannerhe always used to sleep near Gautam Buddha he often used to notice that Buddha spent The whole night in the same physical state. bannerWhenever he would awaken the middle of the night he would see Buddha in the same posture this would create many questions in his mind. one day Ananda could not stop his curiosity he awakened Buddha in middle of the night. and said Lord please forgive me I know that this is not the right time to ask a question to you because you keep walking all the day. 

But my curiosity has increased so much that I cannot feel till morning. so please answer my question and calm my curiosity then Ananda continued. I have been with you for the last 20 years, and I have been seeing that you spend the whole night in only one posture. you do not even move the slightest so do you really sleep or not, and said Ananda I have found the right sleeping posture for myself now I do not need to move while sleeping. 

I remain awake even in the state of sleep while my body is asleep. I stay awake Ananda asked but Lord how is this possible to keep awake while sleeping Buddha said Ananda during the sleep.

When the mind is restless then the body also become restless. and it keeps turning and changing posture again and again but I have gone beyond all these things now there is nothing left in me like a mind. therefore when I go to sleep my body becomes just like a dead body and have you ever seen a dead body changing its state then Buddha said it is only our mind which does all this work even in the state of deep sleep. 

But once the Mind becomes calm then your body will go into deep sleep but you will be awake from within from within you will be able to feel everything even after sleeping your awareness will be ignited continuously like a small burning lamp after finishing the story the Buddhist monk said to the rich man my friend an enlightened man does not sleep like a normal person. when a normal person sleeps he becomes unconscious.

And he does not even know about his surroundings. but when a man like Buddha sleeps he is always aware. when we go to sleep then there comes a moment between waking and sleeping something amazing happens In that moment. bannerbut Common Man fails to experience that moment. It does not know when he falls asleep where else enlightened person stays in that moment only that moment brings you closer to awareness hearing this. the man said sir I do not understand the things of such a deep spirituality. 

And then he go back to the bed only at night by which his brain knows that going to bad means going into deep sleep second reason for not getting sound and restful sleep is not having a fixed bedtime schedule.

If you want to wake up early in the morning and get full sleep then you have to make a habit of going to bed early in the night.and at a fixed time. bannerWhen we regularly sleep at a fixed time then our mind becomes Jack to storm to that and then at that time you will automatically start feeling sleepy then Buddhist monk said third reason for restless sleep is thinking about negative things before going to sleep. if you go to sleep at night with thoughts of worry in your mind then your mind will become Restless and this will disturb your sleep the thought that you will have before sleep will become the first thought when you wake up in the morning. 

Therefore one should always sleep with his head towards south or east the fifth reason for a Restless leave is wrong sleeping posture a simple mistake that people make in their sleeping position is that they simply fall asleep in any position they do not care whether their spine is straight or not while we should try that either we sleep straight or we sleep on our left side sleeping on your left side will keep your digestion working and you will also have very less dreams in this posture you will not have any nightmare or any Nightfall young people who suffer from Nightfall should try to sleep on their left side to get rid of this problem the sixth reason for not getting good sleep is consumption of heavy food items late night. bannerIf you will consume heavy meals at night then it will disturb your sleep because it takes a lot of time and energy to digest heavy food at night while we are awake and doing any activity our digestion works properly. but then we go to sleep our digestion slows down due to slow digestion food in your stomach will not be digested properly and it will remain in your stomach it will upset your stomach. 

Friday, April 21, 2023

Never Do This On Eid Day Its Haram

My brothers and sisters Eid is a happy day. what are you celebrating did you realize or do you know that you are celebrating the worship, that Allah allowed you to engage in through the whole month and what was this worship.

Allah instructed you, and he asked you to do it and then he allowed you to fulfill. it meaning he gave you the capacity to do it the fasting, Charities, the goodness, the character, building the prayer at night and so much more the recitation of the Quran the Improvement in so many ways. 


Mostly it's the fasting and the prayers so Allah has allowed you to do that he ordained it. and then he gave you the capacity to do it and you did it for a whole month you worshiped Allah so much you cried tears you asked for your needs you stayed awake at night you looked for Layla Tul Qadar you made Dua to Allah Almighty. 

Now he's telling you, you know what the season is over. I want you to celebrate it is forbidden to fast on the day of Eid. it is forbidden to fasten the day of Eid come what may fasting is Haram on the day of Eid.


So my brothers and sisters, Allah is giving you a day to celebrate your closeness to him make sure that you don't do anything that will take you away from him. are you going to remember Allah on the day of Eid are you really going to do that which is in sync with what Allah? wants the clothes you're going to wear make sure that they are befitting a celebration of worshiping Allah for the month.

I'm arriving at a huge celebration. where we are celebrating worshiping Allah for the month.


and I'm not even dressed in a way that would be pleasing to Allah subhanallah, oh for example I'm going to eat and drink things that are not even may Allah forgive us or for


example, I'm planning to do things that are sinful just because it's a day of Celebration. 

It's no longer Ramadan the day of Eid is very very important. it is also a massive day of ibadah Allah wants you to worship Him don't use that day to disobey Allah and to go away from his worship rather worship Allah in the biggest possible way.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Most Dangerous Foods In The World

So, better said by john howe one of my favorite quotes what a folly to dread the thought of  throwing away life at once and yet have no regard to throwing. it away by parcels and piecemeal  and that's the reason the foods are the some most dangerous foods. because they are  the primary way that we throw our lives away by parcels and piecemeal. 

Grains And In Particular White Bread Processed grains made from modern wheat. and why is that so bad  because that has virtually nothing in common with the grains that develop naturally on the planet this one has been hybridized and developed not to be good for you. but to give high yields  and to make big white fluffy loaves. so it's all about appearance and quantity not about nutrition. 

Next they process it so they throw away most of the nutrition and just keep the starch. then they add some preservatives some sugar in some case and more chemicals like dough conditioners and  texture enhancers and all these different things. and then when millions of people start feeling bad. 


As a result of eating this now they have to blame it on something and as a result we have gluten  being the villain in bread.

And i'm not a fan of gluten. but it's not the only problem with bread or with starch so as a result now gluten is the villain a whole industry has developed of gluten  free products and therefore in the marketing if gluten is the villain.


Then everything else is a  health food, and that's of course not how it works because when they take out the wheat and they put something else in sometimes that other thing is worse in some ways so the potato starch, and the  tapioca starch and the rice flour and the corn starch and all those things. 

They add in they  don't have gluten but very often they're even  more processed and will sometimes give you even  higher blood sugar spikes and insulin responses so, if you're gluten sensitive of course you want to  stay away from it. and you might have an occasional gluten-free product just realize. it doesn't make  it a health food.   

Kid Cereals cereals and if it's not the first one it's usually  one of the first ingredients is sugar or high fructose corn syrup or corn syrup solids or one  of those things and then of course we find wheat and corn and some of the other offenders. which are  pure starch and they're very very common allergens. then they add some more coloring some artificial  flavoring and some more chemicals and again preservatives. and i think most people if they  look at this honestly even without knowing that they're not going to look at that and think it  has any resemblance to actual food. 

And then of course what do we serve it with we serve it with  skim milk and that is another one of these very common allergens. and we removed the fat which  was probably the only thing in there that didn't cause much of a reaction. but let's talk a little  bit more about why we pay so much attention to avoiding the urgent dangers. but we pay so little attention to the long-term important things and Why we are wired this way.

There are two huge reasons the first one is that  we are wired that way that from your genetics. and from your conditioning your nervous system is wired to pay attention to things that can kill you and hurt you that's just part of what we are so your nervous system will detect change.  

If you're looking at something that's not moving that there's not much change then your brain kind of settles down. and you go into a daze and you lose attention.


But if there's some change if there's something sudden if there's some movement  then your nervous system gets activated. and all the people in media and marketing they know this and that's why they change the pictures every second and they change the angles. and they  flash things and they make sounds.

Because it's the only way they can get your attention anymore  and the reason of course we wired this way is that that's how we detect threats. and it's a great  survival mechanism to be wired this way but we have to understand that that keeps you alive in  the moment. 

But if that's all you do it might hurt you in the long run the. second big reason is  that we never had to you never needed to worry. why we never had to worry about the long term. because all the important stuff was short term the things that hurt us was accidents. and tribal warfare wild animals infection and starvation that's what people died from. and to the extent that we could find enough food. it was never a problem because all of the food was good quality. it's like a lion doesn't have to worry about the quality of the antelope or the zebra. 

He's about to hunt down he knows that it's part of the ecosystem. it's going to be good food we never encountered any sugar any chemicals anything processed. but today Three types of stress. it's a completely different story because all the things that killed our ancestors are not really a big problem anymore 90 to 95 percent of what we die from is three different things they wear us down  slowly and number one is structural stress so sitting doesn't seem like much of a stress.but it's a bad posture and your body is made to move and that movement stimulates your whole body every system in your body including your brain and   nervous system follows a principle called use it or lose it. 

So when you're sitting you're not moving the body you're not stimulating your body  in a positive way. and if you don't stimulate it to regenerate then it degenerates second is emotional  stress it wears us down slowly and often people have a sense of overwhelm. and we have this massive  sensory overload like i said with our attention span the only way they can get our attention is to  shock us and that's because we have this sensory overload and it's very very stressful because your  nervous system is designed to respond to big stuff one at a time a wild animal you're being chased  you fight you survive. 

And then as soon as things settle down you can calm down and that's the sort  of stress we're designed for big changes. and today it's completely different it's small things all  the time it just never slows down never turns off  number three and maybe most important is chemical stress and why would that be most important they're all important but chemical stress  is where we have gotten the furthest off track. because there's so many things like  with pollution there's hundreds of thousands of chemicals that have been developed since  the 1950s our ancestors had none and the food for many people most of what they eat is sugar  and fake food our ancestors had none of that. 


Sort  of stress we're designed for big changes. and today it's completely different it's small things all  the time it just never slows down never turns off  number three and maybe most important is chemical stress and why would that be most important they're all important but chemical stress  is where we have gotten the furthest off track. because there's so many things like with pollution there's hundreds of thousands of chemicals that have been developed since  the 1950s our ancestors had none and the food for many people most of what they eat is sugar  and fake food our ancestors had none of that. 

And here's one more reason we fall into this trap is that our bodies are so good at repairing and regenerating and handling different stressors  that we take health for granted but because of how much the world has changed. it's changed more  in the last 50 years than the previous 50 000 we can no longer afford to take health  for granted we have to start understanding these factors and how they affect the body.  

Fruit Juice Fruit juice and as usual this is gonna get a lot of people angry because fruits and vegetables are like sacred cow. we're not allowed to touch  them or criticize them. we need a balance of everything, but it needs to be whole food. and it needs to be within our carbohydrate tolerance. and the fruit juice that most people drink is  concentrated sugar. 

So if you had the whole fruit you would eat maybe one maybe two and it would be  absorbed rather slowly whereas, if you make juice out of. it it's very easy to consume the sugar  from six or seven or eight different fruits and that of course is going to raise blood sugar. it's  going to trigger insulin spikes and predispose us to insulin resistance. 

Now if all you ate was whole  foods. and this was the worst of it that may not be a huge problem. but if in addition to all of the different foods that people eat. if you eat the bread, cereal, sugar, candy,donuts, waffles,pancakes and you have created some insulin resistance.  then this is going to make it much worse.


And often people say that well sugar is bad. but this is natural sugar and sure but there's not much difference. because sugar is still glucose,fructose and this natural sugar in fruit is still 50 fructose on average so, like i said in addition to all the other factors this is going to further aggravate fatty liver and prevent the reversal  of fatty liver which probably a majority of the population today have some degree of this fatty  liver. it used to be that alcoholics alone got fatty liver today 12 year olds get fatty liver.  

Next problem is that this is fairly processed. they pasteurize it they concentrate it they remove the water they add the water back. and whenever you change it whenever you alter it now  you're also changing the nutrition to some degree. so if you eat the whole fruit then you're getting  the whole package the more you change it the more you destroy nutrients. 

So, if you're healthy if  you're in maintenance if you're metabolically fine. i think you can have some juice once in a while  but i would suggest you have it fresh meaning you squeeze it yourself you do it occasionally and  seasonally and most of all get over the idea of part of a healthy breakfast so most people will get cereal and toast and orange juice all together. so now you're getting plus the skim milk so you're getting all these different forms of sugar just added on top of each other. 

Low Fat you can fill in the blanks low fat things like yogurt, sour, cream, ice cream, salad, dressing, peanut butter. it's low fat because there are  plenty of low-fat things like lettuce and broccoli cauliflower asparagus all sorts of things that  are naturally low fat. there are still whole food but if something used to have high fat or more significant fat. and now they market it as low fat, now you have to start really worrying because what did they do to this food.


And if it has less fat. that means it has more sugar more chemicals more artificial flavorings more texturizers etc.

It's becoming a chemical cocktail full of non-foods. and a perfect example would be this thing which cheese is supposed to have two or three ingredients like milk cream and bacteria. and this is no longer food and  you should be very scared of lists that look like this. so when they promote it as low fat that  means you're just getting a chemical concoction.  

Plant Oils and usually we're  told that fruits and vegetables are so good Plant oils so if they can market oils from vegetables  that has to be a good thing well. these are not vegetables they're made from seeds like safflower. they're made from beans legumes like soy and from grain like corn. and the first problem is that  they're very high in omega-6s so that's a type of fatty acid. and we need both omega-3s and omega-6s  but we need them in a certain ratio. 

And if we eat whole food then we're going to get them close to a one to one ratio or maybe a one to two ratio. but when we add a bunch of processed seed oils  and plant oils. we can get as much as a 20 to one ratio and now these omega-6s become very very inflammatory. they promote inflammation and even insulin resistance not as much as sugar but  they're a very significant factor. 

Next problem is that they're extremely highly processed because if you squeeze an olive it's going to release that oil pretty readily. that's not true for these  things they don't give up their oil very easy so you have to add things like pressure and high heat and even chemical solvents. and as a result now you have chemical residues the fats are damaged  and rancid as a result and when they're rancid now they taste terrible so nobody would consume this stuff unless. they cleaned it up so they de-gum it and deodorize it. and make sure they  remove any trace of flavor or nutrient from it  Margarine.

Margarine and  this of course is made from seed oils. so all the things we said on the previous slide still applies. but now in addition to that they're taking it. they're turning it from a liquid  to a solid. so now they have to change it even more and that's a process called hydrogenation. so now they bombard it with a hydrogen cannon under high heat high pressure.


And they literally change the shape of the molecule. and turn it into a franken food that your body has never ever seen  before. and that new product is called a trans fat and this is so bad that this is universally agreed that we need to avoid this so they require food labeling now. but it doesn't mean that they've actually done away with this because the labeling people are tricky so  they call it zero grams of trans fat. which simply means that it's 0.49 grams or less per  serving. 

Which is rounded down to zero so you could actually have 10 percent trans fats in a teaspoon of this oil would you like your margarine to have 10 lead in it well. i don't think so right so don't fall for this trick you want to use things that are not hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated at all just go with what nature made which is butter olive oil, coconut oil, natural fats so which foods are the most dangerous are they the ones.  

Which foods are the most dangerous. that kill you the fastest or are they the ones  that kill the most people oftentimes. we hear that something is bad for you and it doesn't get  a whole lot of attention. we don't really care and if it's harmful then maybe we pay a little more attention a little stronger is dangerous or lethal or can kill you or will kill you. and on  the lower end of the spectrum here now we think of poisons we think of something that will  kill you in a matter of seconds or minutes. and that's sort of what we worry about that's  exciting that's interesting. but this stuff not so much but when we think like that we really get it backwards and if we instead look at what kills the most people then the stuff that  kills you instantly kills the least people.


Because we have the good sense to avoid it  whereas stuff that most people eat every day. and they say oh yeah i know it's bad for you but it's on every corner and it's cheap and whatever but that's what kills the most people. 

So quick comparison between the fast and slow Fast vs Slow foods things that hurt you fast would be things like poisonous fish poisonous mushroom or food poisoning food that is contaminated with something that eventually kill you the slow stuff would be again the things most people think of as food and  the slow then would cause cancer and heart disease, stroke,diabetes and hypertension so all of these foods that are just bad for you. they are related to this metabolic syndrome that causes slow grade inflammation and chronic degenerative disease top category here gets about  3,000 lives per year whereas the slow method kills 30million people every year. now think about that which one is the more dangerous. 

Diet Soda so now you're getting chemicals sucralose sulfame potassium and aspartame. and what these have in common is that they are chemically related to pesticides. they were developed from pesticides which are designed  to kill things the aspartame breaks down into formaldehyde which is embalming fluid it breaks  down into methanol which is wood alcohol that will get you blind. if you consume a large quantity. but if a large quantity can do that you have to wonder if a small quantity over a long period of time is  that actually doing nothing or is it creating slow harm. it also contains aspartate aspartic acid. which is a neurotransmitter in the body. it's an excitatory neurotransmitter it stimulates  things and that sounds like a good thing right well in balance it is because in the body naturally. it's very delicately balanced but when you're throwing it in from the outside.  it's usually in bursts that the body doesn't anticipate.

Now it becomes an excitotoxin and that is probably part of the reason why this is so addictive and every time i bring up artificial sweeteners there's a lot of people who say that well there's no conclusive proof there is no evidence so i'm just going to keep drinking it of course that's their choice. but my opinion is that if you instead understand nature. if you understand that the human body is an  organism that we're part of an ecosystem and that these are poisons they're man-made very strange  chemicals that play no natural role in the body then i don't think that you have to wait you have  the choice to wait for conclusive proof or you can save some time and just use some common sense.

Sugary Snacks because snacks have a positive connotation. they're that little treat it's that little energy boost that gets us through the day. but realize that all you're doing is you're fueling an addiction. and with the candies cookies and cakes. you're  just pushing yourself further and further toward insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome with all of those problems. and don't be fooled when they call it a protein bar. now they're better ones and  worse ones but for the most part they have almost as much sugar as the candy and instead. they've  just added some protein powder that many times.

It's not a whole lot better it's very highly  processed it's soy protein isolates and things like that because it's cheap they can fill it up  and they market it as if it's a health food but it's slightly better probably but it's almost  the same and then of course it's things like pop tarts and donuts. 


And cinnamon buns that  some people actually believe it's food and they will give their kids this stuff for  breakfast i know this is hard to believe but I've heard stories like that so just  realize it's empty calories and you're just feeding an addiction. 

Sugary Drinks this is a little bit worse. because oftentimes Sugary Drinks people don't even realize they're eating  something. they just think they're thirsty. and of course they're getting a little bit of  water but mostly they're getting sugar so sodas and soft drinks, energy drinks, sweetened juice, coffee, drinks, sweet, tea and sports drinks. they're all sort of becoming the same  thing an energy drink is just a soda with caffeine or another stimulant in it sweetened juice. it has a little bit of juice. but it's really just sugar and water on top of that coffee drinks  was becoming popular. because some chains some popular coffee places brought decent coffee. but it didn't really take off and people didn't really become hooked until they added a bunch of sugar. so today you can get 50, 60, 70 grams of sugar from a coffee drink. and in the american south of course we have the traditional sweet tea which is again. it's just sugar and water with some tea and sports  drinks is another example of something that's marketed as being healthy as something positive that if you're an athlete. 


If you're exercising and you sweat now you're going to lose electrolytes.  so they have artificial coloring and they have sugar and high fructose corn syrup and  water. and then they add a little sprinkle of salt .and they call it an electrolyte drink so  don't fall for it if you need some electrolytes have a sprinkle of salt. and then drink water so if  you eat a diet where these foods are a staple then Final Thoughts you can be sure to reduce the quality of life. and  to take decades of your life. 

But if you don't feel like that's fast enough then if you want to speed  up your demise a little bit more then the ultimate insult is to combine as many of these as possible.  so one example would then be to have a doughnut with frosting or glazing on it and wash it down  with a soda. because now you're combining the worst of all these you're getting white flour. you're getting seed oils you're getting the trans fats and these oils are not just the worst. but they're  heated repeatedly and every time they reuse it and reheat it they destroy it and make it a little  bit more toxic. and of course you're getting plenty of sugar artificial color.


If you make the  soda diet then you're also getting the aspartame. and you're getting a whole concoction of chemicals i mean you can't look at this and really think good. so i hope you have a little bit more urgency to avoid these foods. and to not throw your life away by parcels and piecemeal.

Love, Strength, and the Reclaiming of Self

imagine this he's standing at the edge of his world looking back at the moments  he took for granted the love he thought would always b...