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Sunday, April 30, 2023
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
lower blood pressure naturally
In this article we’ll give you a recipe for a drink to control your blood pressure.
But first, some background information.Ace-inhibitors are a big business,and they’re only getting bigger.These medications help relax the veins and arteries to lower blood pressure, but they come with a lot of side effects.
Thankfully, you don’t need to rely on drugs to manage your blood pressure-we’ll show you how. According to one study published in the journal Circulation, primary or essential hypertension Primary Hypertension accounts for 95% of all cases of hypertension.
This type of high blood pressure is often due to obesity, family history, and an unhealthy diet, which can lead to a deficiency in key nutrients needed to maintain healthy blood pressure.
This means there’s a good chance that your high blood pressure is caused by poor lifestyle habits.
In fact, the most common causes for increased blood pressure include obesity, insulin resistance, Causes of Hypertension high alcohol intake, high salt intake in salt-sensitive patients, living a sedentary lifestyle, stress, low potassium intake, and low calcium intake.
That’s because having either a potassium deficiency, low levels of vitamin D, high insulin, or any combination of the three can lead to stiffened arteries, which ultimately leads to high blood pressure.
So, if you don’t want to rely on prescription drugs in the long run, to manage your blood pressure, because of all the unwanted side effects, changing your diet is your best alternative.
There is one particular smoothie you can make at home which contains well-documented ingredients Drink to Lower Your Hypertension that naturally contain anti-hypertensive compounds.
The recipe takes only 5 minutes to make and calls for seven ingredients - none of which are particularly hard to get.
Two Teaspoons Of Flax seed
Flax seed is a grain that contains high levels of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).ALA is a precursor to EPA and DHA, which are essential omega-3 fatty acids your body requires.
When ingested in adequate amounts, it can help restore artery function. In one study, 110 patients with high blood pressure and peripheral artery disease added 30 grams of milled flax seed to their diet each day for six months. Results were compared to a similar group of people who added a placebo to their diets.
Can you guess what happened? That’s right, the group with the flax seed in their diet showed a measurable decrease in blood pressure.
Two Celery Stalks
Celery contains a phytochemical called phthalides. As an extract, it’s called NBP, and it helps relax the tissue of your artery walls to increase blood flow and reduce blood pressure.
Additionally, celery stalk contains very little to no salt and is high in fiber, magnesium and potassium, which can all help regulate your blood pressure.
Half Of An Avocado

If you have high blood pressure, eating avocados can help. Avocados are packed with oleic acid, which can reduce high blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
This fruit is also rich in potassium and folate, both of which are good for the heart. Potassium, in particular, helps keep your arteries supple and elastic.
An Ounce Of Lemon Juice
Citrus fruits, including grapefruit, oranges, and lemons, have powerful blood-pressure-lowering effects. They’re loaded with vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds.
Half A Cup Of Blueberries
Daily blueberry consumption can help reduce blood pressure and arterial stiffness, which is due, in part, to increased nitric oxide production. In addition, blueberries contain a natural compound called anthocyanins, which has been found in many studies to protect against high blood pressure.
Half A Cup Of Plain Kefir
The bio-active peptides in kefir can help lower blood pressure. These peptides are beneficial compounds that are created during the fermentation process, and come from the proteins in the milk.
Bio-active peptides can help reduce blood pressure by lowering inflammation, improve immune and insulin modulation, and much more.
The last thing you’ll need for this smoothie is some water. Add Some Water Combining these anti-hypertensive ingredients will help reduce your blood pressure without the side effects of regular drugs. So go ahead and add these 7 ingredients into your blender.
Use this smoothie as a first step towards improving your diet.
Sunday, April 23, 2023
How To Sleep Well And Deep

When the mind is restless then the body also become restless. and it keeps turning and changing posture again and again but I have gone beyond all these things now there is nothing left in me like a mind. therefore when I go to sleep my body becomes just like a dead body and have you ever seen a dead body changing its state then Buddha said it is only our mind which does all this work even in the state of deep sleep.
And he does not even know about his surroundings. but when a man like Buddha sleeps he is always aware. when we go to sleep then there comes a moment between waking and sleeping something amazing happens In that moment.

If you want to wake up early in the morning and get full sleep then you have to make a habit of going to bed early in the night.and at a fixed time.

Friday, April 21, 2023
Never Do This On Eid Day Its Haram
I'm arriving at a huge celebration. where we are celebrating worshiping Allah for the month.
example, I'm planning to do things that are sinful just because it's a day of Celebration.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Most Dangerous Foods In The World
Low Fat you can fill in the blanks low fat things like yogurt, sour, cream, ice cream, salad, dressing, peanut butter. it's low fat because there are plenty of low-fat things like lettuce and broccoli cauliflower asparagus all sorts of things that are naturally low fat. there are still whole food but if something used to have high fat or more significant fat. and now they market it as low fat, now you have to start really worrying because what did they do to this food.
Plant Oils and usually we're told that fruits and vegetables are so good Plant oils so if they can market oils from vegetables that has to be a good thing well. these are not vegetables they're made from seeds like safflower. they're made from beans legumes like soy and from grain like corn. and the first problem is that they're very high in omega-6s so that's a type of fatty acid. and we need both omega-3s and omega-6s but we need them in a certain ratio.
Margarine and this of course is made from seed oils. so all the things we said on the previous slide still applies. but now in addition to that they're taking it. they're turning it from a liquid to a solid. so now they have to change it even more and that's a process called hydrogenation. so now they bombard it with a hydrogen cannon under high heat high pressure.
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