Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Most Dangerous Food

Today we're going to talk about the most dangerous food, that you could potentially eat not that you would ever eat this food. but if you did i believe it's the most dangerous. and i looked at a lot of different factors. which I'm going to discuss but before i get into it I'm very curious what you think is the most dangerous food for your health.

Starch Or Carb

If you can guess what it is Why this is the most dangerous food in the world. the first point i want to bring up is that it combines a starch and a fat together under high heats, so that's the first thing so anytime you combine a starch or carb with a fat or protein. and you heat it up you create this very interesting compound called an advanced glycation and product now what is that well that's just a compound that really becomes sticky in your body. and it just locks up all sorts of cells and  tissues in the eye in the brain in the heart in the kidney.

And it makes these tissues not able to function correctly. now if you think of your blood sugars for example you would get a test done called a1c which is this it's glycation of a protein. so basically you're measuring like a three month exposure to sugar. because the sugar in your blood combines with the protein in your blood.

It's called hemoglobin the protein it destroys it. and it makes it unavailable to function so when they measure a1c they're determining how much of your hemoglobin is stuck to sugar basically. and so the higher you have it the more diabetes and complications you have and the less you have it the healthier you are. 

Hydrogenated Oils

Hydrogenated oils either cottonseed or it could be corn oil hydrogenated that means there's trans fats. trans fats are very very bad it makes your cells like plastic. it hardens the arteries there's reports that it triggers cancer. i mean it does a lot of damage inside the body and a lot of foods have gone away from hydrogenated oils. but not all types of foods.


If you want to call it a food is  acrylamide occurs. when you deep fry certain root vegetables. i could just give you a hint there under high heats you create this neurotoxin called acrylamide. it's been links to alzheimer's because it affects the neurons. 


A great majority of the sugar is b sugar. which is gmo. so we have glyphosate and then we have sugar and so we know what sugar does it creates all sorts of issues. i don't need to get into that but the type of sugar is not even, sugar cane usually it's going to be either beet sugar or dextrose. or they just might add dextrose that's a synthetic sugar. or another type of sugar which is not even classified as a sugar called maltodextrin now what's fascinating about maltodextrin is that because they manipulated this carbohydrate to a polysaccharide.

Which is many sugars they can classify it as a starch and not as sugar so when you look at the label it's not under sugars. it's under carbohydrates, so it makes it seem like it's low sugar. but on the glycemic index maltodextrin it is the highest thing in the glycemic index.

So when you consume something with maltodextrin you're consuming something that's really going to raise your blood sugars in a big way and create a high insulin it's called hyperinsulinemia. and there's so many complications that occur from high insulin. and malt deduction is made from either rice wheat or corn.

Chemical called glyphosate it's what they use as an herbicide called roundup ready and it's involved in gmo foods but there are certain foods. that they spray a lot of this glyphosate on. and i won't tell you exactly what food it is you'll have to guess but they spread on oats lentils soy lentils would be like peanuts, beans, wheat potato sugar beets and corn if you research glyphosate you'll see that it's really safe for humans.

But it's not very safe for microorganisms so when they spray the soil it can kill certain microbes because they also got a patent to classify glyphosate as an antibiotic. because it kills microbes well the question is do we have any microbes in or on our body. and the answer is yes we do do we depend on them yes we do is it possible that this glyphosate can alter our microbiome. 

seed oils

Canola cottonseed soy peanut or safflower and they might use different combinations of these oils. but they use them in very high heats. and usually if you buy this food in a restaurant they're frying this food in this oil multiple times. if not you know weeks to a month so the more that you use this oil and you deep fry something over. and over you create an incredible oxidation.

Which means it's very very inflammatory is giving you a lot of advanced glycation end products. which is clogging everything up it's giving you trans fats. it's giving you a lot of sugar and high levels of insulin it's giving you glyphosate. which can affect the digestive system in a big way and it usually comes with ketchup. 

Can you guess what it is the most dangerous food in the world...?
It is french fries well the good thing about ketchup is that it's just another vegetable right i think if i'm not mistaken it is classified or counted as a vegetable.but ketchup is basically high fructose corn syrup. there's so much sugar in it high fructose corn syrup is going to go to the liver and that's going to create a fatty liver.

It's going to then create insulin resistance other than that perfectly healthy and they also add additional sugar as corn syrup. so i don't know why they have to add corn syrup on top of high fructose corn syrup. i don't understand that but they also add modified corn starch another thing that can raise your blood sugars also modified corn starch usually is msg a flavor enhancer to make the food taste better. 

Than it really is which by the way again increases insulin. and they use modified cornstarch to enhance mouth feel to give a food texture that's why they're using it they're not using it as a sweetener and then of course in ketchup they had the soy oil which is not only estrogenic. but it's an oil that has hexane so we have this product a french fry that has advanced glycation end products trans fats tons of not just regular sugar. 

But sugar that can really jack up your blood sugars. we have a product that's loaded with glyphosate that we don't even know all the side effects that. that's going to create over time we have a product that's been deep fried and oil that who knows how long that oil's been sitting there. so we have this
potato starch that acts as a sponge that just soaks up all this omega-6 fatty acid which is highly inflammatory and then of course we sprinkle a little salt on. 

Maybe not sea salt just regular sodium chloride which usually has aluminum and of course because of the heating process there's acrylamide. so there's a lot of bad foods out there but i really think based on what i just talked about the french fry with ketchup is at the top of the list but what's really hilarious. if you do a search on the food that is the most carcinogenic or the food that is the most unhealthy. 

You know it'll be number one on google search it'll be red meat and processed meat that's what they're saying is the most unhealthy which is so far from the actual truth because there are so many other foods that are incredibly unhealthy for you now. 

Of course no one just has the french fries they usually have a hamburger with the bun with additional things. and then you have the liquid candy. a soda with that which is more high fructose corn syrup so instead of depressing you more.

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